G'Trell James

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G'Trell James









September 17th, 2357








168 lbs.




1st Lieutenant


Commander of the Guard


IKS meH'Haj



[ Source ]



Education: Klingon Academy/Starfleet Exchange program Languages: Klingon, Terran, Vulcan, Romulan, Cardassian Interests: Fighting, Drinking, and Weapons

Service Record

2nd Lt. - Marine Fighter Pilot, USS Saturn
1st Lt. - Marine Fighter Pilot, USS Crazy Horse
1st Lt. - Commander of the Guard, IKS meH'Haj


G’Trell was born on Qo'noS, and spent her first two years of life on the Klingon homeworld. She was raised by her parents until their untimely death at the hands of assassins of house Satian. After that she was raised by William and Leanne James of the Federation. She entered into the imperial fleet at the age of 15 and found her knack was at security and tactical as with most Klingons. At the age of 18, she joined the exchange program the federation started. Ever since then she has been with the Federation. She served on board the USS Saturn for two years and held a honorable record and was being considered for promotion due to her outstanding service record. She in her time on board the Saturn had flown 12 missions ten successful, two where “FUBAR” but she was not held at fault for there failure. She also held the title of ships champion for her entire service to that ship for outstanding skill in combat before being transferred to the USS Crazy Horse. Upon her arrival at her new post she was promoted to full Lieutenant and was acting Captain of the Marines under Major Davidson. In the six months aboard the Crazy Horse she and her flight team has flown three successful missions.


Klingon Family: House jev’maH

Father: Jarel son of Tarek
Mother: Rolane daughter of Freth

Five brothers:
Eldest: Doren
Second: Mek
Middle: caros
Fourth: zarel’thon
Youngest: Re’Tar

G’Trell was the only daughter and the youngest of the house.

Federation Family: James

Father: William James
Mother: Leanne Elora James/ maiden name: Witner
Sister: Serina James
Children: Tarlin James, heir to houses Alvoc, G’Tar, and member of house Qortlh


For a Klingon, G’Trell is laidback except when it comes to her work. When she works she puts 110% into it. She has few Klingon friends since all she really knows are in the Starfleet and Federation anymore. She has made friends with a few of the humans and Klingons but not many. She has a good tolerance for other species more than most Klingons. She is known to get angry easily after drinking a lot of blood wine. If she is drinking best not mess with her unless you like pain. You might not think at first the scrawny Marine could do much harm but beware she’s a hell cat through and through after her drinks. For fun she enjoys friendly training bouts and does not mind getting knocked about a bit for the sake of learning a few new moves. She once held the title of ships champion on the USS Saturn and is still honored by having held the title until she transferred. She is about 5'9" a bit short for a Klingon but she manages and is just as quick with a joke as anyone else about her slight size.

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