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September 12th, 2343





[ Source ]

Formerly the Science Officer of the IKS meH'Haj.


Kevek, son of Morhal, a Klingon Captain and Commander Ellana, a Starfleet officer was born on September 12th, 2343 by human standards. He is the eldest of there 2 children, he has a younger brother Beket who is only a 2 years younger than him. Kevek grew up on Kabel, a Klingon colony close to the Neutral Zone, he lived with his father and his many aunt, he doesnt his mother died when he was 4 he doesnt have much memory of her. He grew up like a normal klingon child did he attented battle lessons, and even made many friends but he always felt he was different than the other children.

When Kevek was 11 Kabel was attacked by a Romulan fleet he lost his father and the rest of the family, only he and his brother survived the attack. It was days before he and his brother were found they were rescued by starfleet officers, one of the officers a human engineering officer took him and his brother in and raised them.

They lived on the USS Dakota with the officer and his Vulcan wife, he followed his adopted fathers footsteps he often studied the ships specs and engine systems. His adopted mother help him reconnect with his Vulcan roots she taught him the meaning of logic and how it can help him. When Kevek turned 13 after completing his Rite of Ascension he joined his adopted father in the main engineering. He learned how the ship ran, he was able to fix almost everything on the ship with his eyes closed. When he was 17 he was accepted to Starfleet Academy.

In the Academy he was treated differently, the vulcans there shunned him and everyone else feared him. In the academy he only had one friend. Despite all of this Kevek was the second best in his class, not only was he training as an engineer, he also trained as a security/tactical officer. He excelled in both courses. He gradutated at the to 20% of his class finishing 5 best in his year.

After the Academy he was placed on the USS Smite as the Assistant Chief Engineer. Like every cadet he started at the rank of Ensign. For 5 years he was the Asst. Chief, he was promoted to Lt. j.g. an named Chief Engineer. Until the dawn of the Dominion War he was the Chief Engineer aboard the Smite.

At the start of the Dominion War he returned to Earth and joined the Starfleet Corps of Engineers as a starship builder and a member of the Starfleet Advanced Propulsion Group. He was promoted to Lieutenant and became a deputy in charge of overseeing the refit of old ships and the building of new ships. After the war was over he began to miss the starship life, he has been hoping to get a call from Starfleet Engineering giving him a new assignment.


He is a mighty 6'8" and tan skined, he is a mixture of both Klingon and Vulcan. He has the ridges of a normal Klingon but the ears and eyebrows of a Vulcan. He is unlike most Vulcans he shows emotions. He, unlike most Klingons, embraces he embraces logic, he cleary thinks about thing before he does anything. His mind is filled with equations and engineer talk, he is usually found taking things apart to understand it more.

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