Gwynhevere McLaughlin

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Gwynhevere B'Eryn McLaughlin





Stormy Grey/Blue


Light Brown




Lieutenant j.g.


Chief Medical Officer


IKS meH'Haj

[ Source ]



Born in Paris, France. Gwynevere 'B'Eryn' was raised in a manner that a stark contrast to either the Betazoid or Klingon way of Life. Her mother having formed an infatuation with the old Earth French Culture was quick to embellish the fruits of that infatuation upon her daughter. The young Gwyn, often feeling ignored during her early childhood due to her Father's work as an attache for the Klingon Ambassador to the Federation, and her Mother's often time consuming work at Starfleet Medical. It was only worsened after a breakdown of relations between her parents, causing her mother to refuse any contact with the father, and eventually married a human man and took his last name, the name of McLaughlin

Noticing picking up on Gwynevere's feelings of loneliness, her mother helped her to find some activities she could participate in outside of the home. After trying a few different things, Gwyn was enrolled in a dance class and fell in love with it. As a result, most of Gwyn's adolescent life focused on dance.

In the next stage of her life, Gwynevere attended school with the other children, but only attended for half of each day and focused on Language, Biology and History. In the afternoons, she attended the dance academy until it was time to go home. When she came of age, Gwynevere began to enter competitions. Though she never placed higher than third, judges and teachers told her that she had talent and encouraged her to continue dancing.

When she was in middle school, however, Gwyn began to rethink her decision to make a living as a dancer. While still practiced for hours every day, she never never placed very high in competitions. That was until one day she entered what she believed would be her final competition, earning first place in the competetion that would eventually see her being a wild winning streak that would lead her to the highest dancing competitions in the Federation

Following her success, Gwynevere decided to step out of the competition lifestyle temporarily and attend school regularly, now focusing on a career in medicine, inspired by her mother's work, yet continuing to enter the odd competition or two. During that time, it was learnt that Gwynevere's telepathic abilities were disportionately stronger than her empathic abilities. Her mother quickly taking it upon herself to help Gwyn wield her abilities with a degree of finesse

When she had completed high school, she moved on to attend nearby university for two years, majoring in Medicine and History with a minor in Dance. After those two years, she realized that she was unhappy with this choice and left school. A year passed as she tried to decide what to do, until her father suggested that she attempt to enter Starfleet. With that in mind, Gwynevere was quick to convince herself that Starfleet offered what she craved: independence, travel, and knowledge.

At Starfleet, she quickly excelled in her desired field of Medicine, her aptitude for learning on her feet, and her fierce competitve spirit merged with her bullheadedness was quick to assure her success in the first year, passing with flying colors. This would eventually continue until she graduated at the top 10 percentile of her grade, and began her medical residency. Becoming assigned to the USS McCoy, a Dawnstar-class Medical Cruiser to complete her residency as an ensign in the field. A year on this vessel would quickly yield results as she was transferred to the USS Camelot, a Galaxy-Class vessel that was assigned to the 'Gamma Expedition'. Offering a chance to study new races and creatures in the Gamma Quadrant. She continued at this post for 2 years before the Camelot was reassigned to the Alpha Quadrant for upgrades.

Gwynevere however would quickly jump at the chance to become Chief Medical Officer aboard a Klingon Vessel, the IKS meH'Haj, the avaiability of the vessel allowed her to explore Klingon 'medicine' and the chance to experience the universe from a fresh, more exciting point of view,

Gwyn's Stay aboard the meH'Haj

Her demeanor there quickly isolated her as she thought of herself above the many of the crew. However not all were swayed by her cold, and harsh demeanor. The "Ice Queen" as many came to call her aboard the vessel became very close with the commanding officer, Ta'pez.

Their relationship was kept underwraps as much as it could on a vessel of that size. However things came to a close at the 5th Annual Batleth Tournament. Gwyn, even though a close confidante of Ta'pez was shocked and dismayed at the manner and true nature when it came to handling of house matters and realized that she would never fit into that dangerous and unpredictable klingon social setting.

Shortly after the end of the Tournament, she requested and was granted immediate reassigment to Starfleet Medical, an offer that had been extended to heer earlier but one that she had not given serious thought to.


Standing at the full height of 5'5", this woman’s stormy grey, blue eyes hold an icy emotionless that gives her a rather cold appearance, something that contrasts greatly with the warm hue of her skin. Her forehead bears almost no evidence of forehead ridges. Her shoulder length light brown hair can usually be seen pulled up into a French twist, as a perfectionist, she doesn’t like a hair out of place. Her build is slight and slender, as a result of taking out her frustration by running and playing tennis as well as her long history as a dancer, both of which have granted her a trim and toned figure with reflexes that are superior to many of her peers.


Cold and icy, this betazed/klingon woman's demeanor screams control and her presence holds the very essence of command. She seems to always be busy and rarely can be seen interacting with the crew.

Gwyn claims to have little time for ‘frivolous activities' and has little patience for people she deems 'stupid'. With her strong French accent, her words have either a rather harsher effect or a soft tone of husky romance. She’s an insomniac who just never has the time or patience to sleep, as if that isn’t bad enough the woman is addicted to caffeine, more specifically, coffee... black coffee. Though she is incredibly stubborn and hard headed, she is also humorous with out meaning to be, stating things with her serious nature and straight face. She's arrogant and full of herself, she doesn't care much for others, and tends to need people to prove to her that they deserve life, before she approves of them.

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